Injustice: Gods Among Us Reveal Trailer

From the makers of Mortal Kombat and with the characters of the DC Universe, Injustice is a new fighting game set to grace our consoles in 2013. There isn’t much to go by, but from the trailer it looks like a new Mortal Kombat with different skins. I’ll keep my eye out on this one, being a huge comic geek myself, and will let you know the moment more information surfaces!

LEGO Ring to Rule Them All

Its no secret that I am a huge fan of the Lego games. They’re the perfect games to play with girlfriends (or non-gamer boyfriends for girl gamers), kids or parents. With simple jump in-jump out co-op, I’ve always enjoyed the adventures the Lego games have supplied.

Lego Lord of the Rings has been requested repeatedly by fans over the last few years, and it has finally been officially announced! Following in the footsteps of Lego Batman 2 (which has yet to come out), the little lego characters all talk. The voices have been taken directly from the movies to keep the authenticity of the series in tact.

The game will cover the entire trilogy, going across all of Middle Earth. As in previous games, the good and bad characters will all be playable. Once again, 2 player co-op is available.

Lego Lord of the Rings will be available on pretty much every platform known to man some time in the future. My guess is between June and August 2013.

Guardians of Middle Earth – A MOBA for Consoles?

There isn’t any gameplay in this trailer, but from the look of things, this is another DotA inspired game. It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out. I’m a huge fan of MOBA (Games like DotA, HoN or LoL), but can’t imagine playing them without a mouse.

I can think of many ways to make this work, but who knows how Monolith are planning to do it. Monolith are best known for F.E.A.R. and Condemned, neither of which are MOBAs, so we’ll just have to wait and see how this one turns out. The wait won’t be long, however, as the game is planned for release in the next 4 months.

Check out the trailer for some excellent CG.

Wii U Controller Detailed – One Control to Rule Them All

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Nintendo’s motto has always been “Creating Something Unique.” That is certainly a motto they have always tried to live up to. With the Wii U, they are hoping to once again change the face of gaming as we know it.

Nintendo are only having their presentation on Tuesday at E3, but they have released a pre-E3 video to showcase their new Wii U console, and are leaving the Tuesday presentation to showcase all their games on the Wii U.

The Wii U GamePad, which is the official term for tablet based controller revealed previously, has finally come to completion. The GamePad now supports two proper gaming joysticks with precise 360° movement. These thumbpads can also be clicked in as an extra button (just like the Xbox and PS controllers can). Nintendo plan on using the GamePad as a Social Window to the rest of the world while you are playing your games.

The controllers HD screen is also a touchscreen supporting great sensitivity. You can use a stylus or your fingers, depending on your needs. Nintendo are also boasting that you will be able to use the touchscreen as your main screen with absolutely no lag. This has yet to be seen if entirely true, but if it is, it will be the first time this has been done. Before you cry out “But the PS3 does that with the PSP or Vita,” just remember, on the PS platform, there is a huge and noticeable lag. Nintendo are also claiming the ability to take screenshots and post them up on the Miiverse from your controller.

The GamePad can also be used as a universal controller for your TV and other electronic devices. Will all this new functionality in the Wii U GamePad be enough for Nintendo to lead the next generation console race all over again? Coupled with the fact that the Wii Balance Board works with the Wii U already, and the new Pro Controller for the Wii U, I’ll be very surprised if it isn’t met with huge success when it launches later this year!

I for one cannot wait to see what they have planned for Tuesday!

Wii U Zombie Commercial

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Take a look at the trailer over at to see some of the ways Nintendo are planning on implementing the MiiVerse into their new gaming console, the Wii U.

Warning! The video is very corny, and could lead to severe head banging.

Wii U Pro Controller – Something good for Gamers!

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The Wii U Pro Controller was revealed in their pre-E3 video. No details have been revealed about it, but we do know what it looks like. I’m sure we’ll see more of the controller at their Tuesday event at E3!

Is it just me, or does it look like the exact middle between a PS3 and Xbox 360 remote?